Upcoming Events
Pasadena Stake JustServe Friends in Deed Back to School Drive 2024-2025
Last year, Friends in Deed distributed over 400 backpacks filled with school supplies to children attending schools in Pasadena and neighboring communities. Based on the number of households they are seeing weekly in the Food Pantry this year, they expect this number to increase. PLEASE AVOID ALL RED AND ALL BLUE BACKPACKS. BACKPACKS SHOULD BE DELIVERED TO FRIENDS IN DEED BY JULY 21. LAST DATE FOR ALL SUPPLIES IS JULY 27.
Supplies can be mailed or dropped off to:
Friends in Deed, at 444 E. Washington Blvd, Pasadena 91104 on the following dates:
Thursday – July 11, 18, & 25, from 1:30p to 4:30p
Friday – July 12, 19, & 26, from 9:00a to 3:00p
Saturday – July 6, 13, 20, & 27, from 9:00a to 3:00p
Monetary donations are greatly appreciated.
No contribution is too small. We appreciate all you do for all you serve.
Friends in Deed has set up a Back to School account on Amazon. Copy/paste this link into your browser: www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3DGFRX5F9MXJW
BYU Education Week Devotional with Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will be the devotional speaker during BYU Education Week at the end of August.
The devotional will be Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at 11:05 a.m. mountain daylight time. Elder Uchtdorf’s address from the BYU Marriott Center will be broadcast live on BYUtv, KBYU-TV 11, Classical 89 FM and BYUradio. It will be archived for on-demand viewing at speeches.byu.edu and BYUtv.org.
The Abundant Life 2021 North America West Area Single Adult Conference
Join thousands of other Latter-day Saints participating in the first ever area-wide single adult conference. Connect in the "Gathering Place" with other single adults of all ages from Hawaii to Alaska who share your interests and hobbies. Enjoy a wide variety of workshops on timely topics hosted by notable speakers, as well as engaging in service opportunities and activities.
Please register for FREE by clicking HERE
Visit the Abundant Life Conference Website HERE for full details
Red Cross Blood Drive at the Stake Center
The Red Cross is in need of our help! Please join us for our last blood drive for the year at the Stake Center on August 5, 1:00-7:00PM.
Appointments are encouraged, and can be booked directly through the Red Cross, or by contacting LeAnn Goettel, our stake JustServe Coordinator at 949.842.0186 or goettels@yahoo.com.
The Red Cross is especially in need of Type O Blood, and it is essential for them to know the manufacturer of the Covid-19 vaccine you have received if you are vaccinated.
As an incentive, the Red Cross is offering the following:
A chance to win a trip for two to the sold-out 2021 Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, which includes: two VIP Festival tickets, round-trip airfare, one night hotel+celebrity chef Maneet Chauhan restaurant experience in Nashville, luxury RV accommodations on-site at Bonnaroo, a $500 prepaid concession voucher and ground transportation.
ALSO: All presenting donors in August will get a free 4-month subscription offer to Apple Music by email (new subscribers only).
Thank you all for your support of our local community and this essential service you provide! We look forward to seeing you there.