Easter Sunday (复活节主日)
He Is Risen!
Mary and the Resurrected Lord
(Harry Anderson)
EASTER SUNDAY - He is Risen!
复活节主日 – 祂已复生!
What feelings do you experience when you think about Jesus Christ’s Resurrection?
“And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” Matthew 28:5-6
“天使对妇女说,不要害怕,我知道你们是寻找那钉十字架上的耶稣。 他不在这里,照他所说,已经复活了。 你们来看安放主的地方。” 马太福音 28:5-6
Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, a friend and follower of Jesus, came to the tomb to care for Jesus Christ’s body. To her astonishment, she found the tomb empty. Later, as she wept outside the tomb, a man addressed her - a gardener, she supposed. But then He said her name: “Mary.” And she saw. It was Jesus Christ, alive again. The knowledge was too wonderful to contain. Her faith propelled her into a joyous sprint as she ran to tell the others.
清早,抹大拉的马利亚来到坟墓要护理耶稣基督的身体,她是耶稣基督的一位朋友,也是信徒,她震惊地发现坟墓空了。 后来她在坟墓外面哭时,有个人对她说话——她以为是园丁,然而,祂接着叫出她的名字:「马利亚」。 这次她看出来,那是耶稣基督,祂活过来了。 这次所见实在太奇妙,让她不能自已。 她的信心驱使她快乐地像离弦之箭一般,飞奔去告诉其他人。
It’s a testimony that still propels people today. You can know just as she did that Jesus Christ lives. Because of Him, everyone will live again. If we follow Christ, we can find true happiness on earth - and look forward to eternal joy in the life to come.
这项见证至今仍在驱使着人们。 你也可以像她当初那样,知道耶稣基督活着。 因为祂,每个人都将再次活着。 如果我们跟从基督,就能在世上找到真正的幸福——并期盼来生永恒的喜乐。